The timeless, “rags to riches” fairy tale becomes a new audience favorite in Disney’s Cinderella, Kids, an adaptation of the treasured animated film that will charm its way into your heart and remind audiences that dreams really can come true. Poor Cinderella is endlessly mistreated by her wicked stepmother and stepsisters, and denied a chance to go to the royal ball. With a little help from her mice friends — and a lot of help from her Fairy Godmother — Cinderella’s dreams come true. She goes to the ball, meets the Prince and falls in love!
A hilarious farce with sentimental pirates, dim-witted young lovers and an eccentric Major-General, based on the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. Set sail with this classic comedy that boasts one of the most famous patter songs in musical theatre history. The wit and whimsy of Gilbert and Sullivan's classic score is suffused with a modern sensibility in The Pirates of Penzance, Jr., a swashbuckling musical journey!